Less talk, more action

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Debra 3 months, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #1209 Reply

    Pamela Quinn

    There are a plethora of meetings and conferences: Davis Phinney Summits, MJ fox Partners in Progress, Local and National chapter PD meetings and symposiums. Add to that all the webinars from PDF, WPC and MJ Fox and you get a picture of what I’m talking about. The education is important. Don’t get me wrong. But it’s only the first step,,,what good does it do if its not implemented? How many more research papers do we need on the values of exercise until the foundations start putting money into the actual programs that have an impact on peoples’ lives? We need more Brooklyn Parkinson Groups, more JCCs, more organizations that make use of whatever facility (a Y, a church basement. a dance studio) is available in their town. And we need teachers trained in the fundamentals of PD movement so that what they teach can be adapted for this population. I always feel badly when I’ve given an speech and a class to 200 plus people - we have a great time, we learn a lot, and then I leave, leaving them in my wake, knowing more than they did at the beginning of the day, but not receiving the actual benefit of a tangible program that they can be part of. We need less talk, more action. That’s where are resources need to be directed; that’s what will positively impact peoples’ lives.

    #1213 Reply

    Jillian Carson

    Pam , your words resonate with my PD community here on the west coast of Canada. We are constantly told by our Canadian Fdn that we are not alone , yet in reality we are alone when it comes down to day to day , hour to hour , minute to minute life with PD. We do learn the most from each other, yet the stereotypic PWP is still alone, trying to drive the bus on the wrong side of the road without a map.
    We cannot run wellness centres without money. We need wellness centres easily accessible to communities. As you mention, church basements, and other facilities are great however we literally run out of room once we get a group going, (my experience). Also we cannot offer one stop shopping and meet everybody’s needs in this type of a facility. I believe we need Parkinson’s specific Wellness Centres…the challenge is always funding….I have done the math, cheaper to have a central Wellness centre in our community then rent 8 different places to accommodate everyone’s needs.

    #1265 Reply


    Frankly I think that’s abloeutlsy good stuff.

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