
Some presentations involve speaking, or moving or a combination of the two, often punctuated with videos.  The following topics can be addressed separately or woven together.

Practical Coping Strategies: ways to manage symptoms specific to Parkinson’s disease. 30 min- 1 hour, depending on depth of explanation. For OT’s, PT’s, patients and caregivers.

Master Dance Class: A class that uses dance and all its elements to help us move through space with grace and enjoyment. A wide selection of enjoyable music. 1 hr.

Group Activities: Exercises and creative games that foster a sense of community, discovery and fun and that simulate real life challenges.

Creativity and PD: Why we have a creative edge over non-PD people and how to make the most of it. Gives a short example of a creative process by explaining how a piece is put together.

*Reading Bodies (with David Leventhal of Dance for PD): how we read body language and what it tells us about what people are thinking and feeling; understanding how the dance form can offer us control over how we present ourselves to others.

*Dance and Disability (with David Leventhal): explores ways of making work on different populations. Examines questions of exploitation, audience expectations and how dance communicates.

The Patient Experience: How to find and collaborate with a doctor that works for you; Ways of thinking about your PD: friend, foe or both?  How to tell, who to tell, when to tell.  Family life and how to handle your kids and their friends’ perceptions. Thoughts that contribute to decision about when to go on medication., ALL ADVICE IS EXPERIENTIAL,  NOT MEDICAL.

Create a Dance: I can make a dance on your group of people.  This requires at least one week of rehearsal – 3-4 hrs every day and a culminating performance at the end of the week.

Fees are negotiable and vary according to how many subjects are covered and how much time is involved.

*More information about presentations with David Leventhal of Dance for PD can be found Here